"Fashions Fade, Style is Eternal."-- Yves Saint Laurent

Friday, February 1, 2008

Old Navy Gets New

Rumor has it, Old Navy is making serious moves to launch a new line this summer that not only appeals to the 20 something crowd, but will be priced a bit cheaper than its competitors.

As it stands, the safari-inspired clothing (entitled Urban Explorer line) will include pull-over safari mini-dresses, and a black and white, African-inspired striped wrap.

And, in a push to move away from performance fleeces/preppy plaid tops, Old Navy is coming up with a brand new logo that will hopefully freshen up their new look.

So look out H&M, Todd Oldham is giving ya a run for your money!

AND, if you didn't know, Fashion Week starts today and here are a few events in the line up:

BCBG: 3pm-Bryant Park
Yigal Azrouel: Noon-540 W. 21st St., nr. Tenth Ave.
Yeohlee: 4pm-The New Museum

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