"Fashions Fade, Style is Eternal."-- Yves Saint Laurent

Monday, June 22, 2009

Put a Ring on It

We've all been there before. You're at a swanky lounge sipping a strong mojito when you suddenly notice Mr. or Ms. Gorgeous holding court at the end of the bar. Just when you're about to approach, you stop and wonder, "Ohhh — single or not?"

Awkward hesitations be gone with Singelringen ('single ring' in Swedish), the world's first unisex ring for singles. The sterling silver band with a turquoise acrylic overlay is meant to be worn on your left hand — a placeholder for an engagement (or wedding) ring — so you can flaunt your solo status. Terrence Howard, Monique Coleman and Vivica Fox have been spotted rocking them once upon a time.

Signifying your eligibility goes beyond a single band. Other Singelringen products include necklaces, bracelets and mobile phone accessories. The imported jewelry can be customized with charms that represent spirituality (Buddhism, Christianity), hobbies (travel, sports), interests (pets, music) — allowing for the ultimate in instant messaging.

Because single is the new turquoise!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Loves it! Getting one now!!