"Fashions Fade, Style is Eternal."-- Yves Saint Laurent

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

rEtAiL tHeRaPy

If you think the web world is filled to capacity with discount clothing sites, think again.

Truly Networks, a next-gen online retail development firm, launched a shopping site for women who enjoy high-end fashion apparel and accessories. Entitled, RedTagCrazy.com, The social shopping model combines top brands with huge markdowns, limited quantities, and a very limited time to purchase.

Sound like chaos? Not so much.

Let's be honest, In these hard economic times, everyone is looking for a way to save a buck, right? I know I sure am! And unlike the sample sale sites, you don't need to get invited or be a member. It's open to everyone—for a limited time.

The item Du Jour is a graphic stretch tee from Big Star. And, it's only $11.37!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love it!